Courgettes seem to be one of the few things that grow really well in my vegetable garden. Later in the autumn we'll be able to harvest huge courgettes, nice for soups and stews. But I'm being impatient, and wanted to enjoy them already. After reading few blogs about deep fried courgette flowers, I decided I would give
this one a go. I decided to use a kind of a Japanese tempura -batter though, just because I've been wanting to make tempura for quite a while now, and this gave me the opportunity to try the batter as well. As there was quite a lot of batter left after the courgettes, I also deep fried some cauliflower, carrots and pea pods, and they turned out really nice too.

After rinsing and cutting off the stigma inside the flower, I stuffed the flower with a mix of goats cheese, garlic, thyme and pepper, and then twisted the flower to close it. For the batter I whisked 1 egg, added 1 dl of water and whisked 1 dl of wheat flower through a sieve to minimize lumps, plus a pinch of salt. Then the courgettes were dipped in batter and deep fried in oil. To serve, they were then drizzled with honey. To be honest, this comes now pretty high up on my favorite foods list, they were absolutely gorgeous! Pretty easy to make and well worth the try!
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