While introducing the old Finlayson factory area to my guest, Claudia, we turned the corner to the Väinö Linna courtyard. Against the bright white walls and the cloudless blue sky opened this scene to remember.

High, high up were wire lines running from one building to the other. They were filled with colourful shirts slowly swinging in the wind and taking their next of kin with them. Silent, beautiful and soothing with a dab of humour. I was willing to bet it was one of the works of Kaarina Kaikkonen and after a little bit of detective work I was proven right. The work is called "Linjanmuutoksia" (loosely translated: Changes in direction) and is made out of used shirts. Ten years ago she did an amazing installation between Finlayson and Frenckell. It was called "the Shadow" and the material was men's used jackets.
The next suprise we ran into when leaving the area. Exactly where Kaikkonen had installed her "Shadow" ten years back, is a walkway separated from the road by a brick wall and windows. The windows are always covered with dust and dirt and probably never cleaned. Except this time.

Some obviously talented people had created beautiful works of art on the windows by wiping away some of the dust. What a great idea! Reminds me a little of water-graffiti.
I tried to look for clues, but I have no idea who did this work. I take my hat off to greet these artists: a wonderful way to make something beautiful out of nothing. And no harm done to anyone.
(photos: Claudia John)
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